Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Tween - such a special time for a kid!

Tweens, that awkward age between 9 and 13 and the age least photographed professionally.  Actually, I was just reading an article that families often don't get their pictures professionally taken when their kids are between the ages of 5 and 15.  What a huge time of change and adventure for these kids and families.  I have recently worked with some GREAT kids in this age bracket and it has really impacted me on how fun and unique these sessions are.  Don't forget to capture this unique time in your kids lives. 

Its July 31st and this summer has been fun, but fast.  Sessions are still available in September and October.  October is already booking, so if you would like to schedule your high school senior, kids or family, please email or call soon so you get your pick of dates.

Enjoy the last full month of summer.

~ Carol